SMS Marketing
brands looking to target customers on the move, SMS Marketing became an increasingly essential part of effective multi-channel marketing. That's why, Brightery featuring SMS as a core offering, their clients are potentially missing out on communications with customers and increased ROI.
Why to choose Brightery
Benefits of using sms marketing service.
Most of organisations mistakenly believe that mobile marketing requires huge funds in apps and does not allow for personalised, targeted communication and lacks strong analysis to support Return On Investment. But in fact, That access to mobile communications is far easier than perceived and gaining access to mobile consumers because it targets (smartphone andnon-smartphone) can be as simple as sending a personalised, targeted text message. The means to instigate two-way SMS messaging between the companies and their mobile users is essential to building a brand in households around the world provided (consumer privacy) is protected through legal requirements for opt-in.
Benefits of using SMS marketing:
1. Fast, Direct and easy to track
SMS is one of the most quick of all time channels; with a read rate of 97% within 15:00 minutes delivery, you can be reassured that your time critical messages will be read instant.
A significant 45% of SMS campaigns generate a successful Return On Investment, reaching over 50% when combined with other popular channels such as email and social media.
It's easy to add CTA with Short links to make accurate analysis on your sms campaign and watch the feedback and report.
We can easily get real-time Opens analytics and get sure how many people engaged to your campaign. and reach more audience later.
Company name
Get your company name on your sms campaigns.
Choose time
choose your campaign time to reach audience.

choose date
Choose you campaign date.
Reports and detailed analytics to get your feedback and way more.