Learn all that you need about what is facebook cover photo size, what are the dimensions of facebook cover photo size 2019 and how can you handle the mobile area for facebook cover photo size mobile. learn all about facebook cover photo size inches or pixels.
Facebook cover photo size 2019 - Guide and Examples
There's a difference between facebook cover photo and Facebook profile picture, they're not the same thing. so the facebook cover photo size must different from Facebook Page profile picture size.

In this post, we need to clarify some important thing around the problem of creating a catchy creative facebook cover photo and give enough information about facebook cover photo size 2019 and how to make it suitable for both desktop and facebook cover photo size mobile. Shall we?

Before getting started
Of course, you know the difference between facebook cover photo and facebook profile picture, aren't you? if you don't know you have to learn more about them. and understands how to use facebook stories for business, which is more effective than you think. Now let's move this on.
What is Facebook Cover Photo Size
Asking what is facebook cover photo size, is making a high and frequently asked question and we should give more info about why is facebook cover photo is important and what is facebook cover photo size?
When you go for visiting a page on facebook (Mobile or desktop) you catch the cover photo and profile picture in the first place, Profile picture must be unique and referring to your business logo (if you're asking why you should visit this) and cover photo.
Then, if you're asking what is facebook cover photo size you should ask facebook cover photo size 2019 because facebook is making yearly changes to its dimensions.
Facebook cover photo size 2019
The facebook cover photo size 2019 is no longer the same as before, not only this, but there are so many improvements and new attractive way to look in the mobile version of Facebook, and you (Business owner) or (Designer) should take a good care about not losing information in the mobile version of facebook cover photo.
As you can see dimensions in the displayed photo has 2 views:
- Mobile view (we mentioned it with SAFE MOBILE AREA) that are appearing on both devices.
- Desktop view: appearing on desktop devices only.

Facebook Cover Photo Size
The optimal facebook cover photo size is 828 x 465 pixels.
Desktop – 828 wide x 315 high (pixels)
Mobile Safe – 560 wide x 315 high (pixels)
Tip: Keep your focus on the mobile safe area, this is important because most of facebook users are using mobile application or tablets.
Facebook cover photo size mobile
Now you're ready after you understood the difference between desktop size and mobile size, let's get to facebook cover photo size mobile, you can easily download the previous template or you can create your own canvas and make the following.
- Create your normal desktop size facebook cover photo: 828 in width x 315 in height.
- Create your middle canvas for mobile, as facebook cover photo size mobile, in 560 in width and 315 height and position it to the middle.
Now you're ready for your facebook cover photo size mobile with a good design and safe area.
Facebook cover photo size inches
The optimal facebook cover photo size inches should be 11.5 width x 6.4 height (Inches) and we can detail the same:
Desktop: 11.5 width x 6.4 height (Inches)
Mobile Safe: 7.7 width x 6.4 height (Inches)
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