If your product stopped for activation code or activate licence purpose and code online. In this How to post, you're going to understand how to get your purchase code and get back your product up and running.

How to Activate licence for Brightery product from other store

If you're facing a problem with running your product, don't worry it's not longer a problem. We've just activated our security plugin across some of Brightery products.

Before we get started, Thank you for trusting Brightery, And Brightery products in the first place, You're giving us hope and ability to move on and create more creative products to help your business growth.

Where can i find code online ?

To find the purchase code and activate licence for your product you should follow these steps:

1. Get your purchase code

Go to the website you've purchased our product from, Get and copy your activate code from this website and open brightery's website.

Envato purchase code

If you purchased a product from Envato you should get your purchase code from envato purchase code center.

2. Register a Brightery account

If you don't have an account you should create one now, It's easy and fast with no problem and not going to take more than 2 minutes.

3. Login

First you should login to your account (The account you purchased your product from) and then from user select Dashboard. From Dashboard go to Downloads Section.

4. Go to Other store link

You won't find this link in your dashboard, You should go to Other Store Purchase code And place your Other store purchase code here.

Place your Purchase ID from the other store

by adding Purchase ID on the targeted input and click validate you should wait for validating your purchase code.

You're going to get your brightery purchase code

Easily you can receive your purchase code now and activate your product.

5. Get Purchase code & Activate licence

Get your purchase code from the list of your purchases, Choose your product you need to activate licence from your products.


If your product stopped for activation code or activate licence purpose and code online. In this How to post, you're going to understand how to get your purchase code and get back your product up and running.


6. License activation

After Copying your license activation code online, Go to your product and place the code in the right place. Then verify.



I Purchased the product Brightery

If you've purchased one of our products from Brightery, Follow this link for activating your product.

How to Activate licence for Brightery product

Cation: If you face any problem you can contact support by adding a ticket direct to support it's not taking more than 12 hours to be replied and solved.

Cation: You can't use your regular licencee for more than 1 IP or one application with one license activation. 


How to Activate licence for Brightery product from other store
How to Activate licence for Brightery product from other store

different store

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