How to MySQL import database, and how to MySQL import SQL file through your phpMyAdmin. This is what we're going to learn how to make a successful MySQL import for a new database file.

How to MySQL import database file

First of all you should be logged in your server control panel to MySQL import database file process. You should have a Database or Create a database in the first place before MySQL import database file to your phpMyAdmin. It's not so many steps to MySQL import a Database.

What is the purpose of MySQL import a database?

Any of application needs a storage to add data, database is the most important part of your application, Because it's kinda the storage of your data. Database stores everything happens inside your website or application and getting it back while needed.


MySQL import SQL file and other types

there's a list of available types and formats you can import to MySQL database, They're listed when you're trying to import your file.

  • SQL
  • XML
  • ESRI Shape file
  • OpenDocument spread sheet
  • Media Wiki Table
  • CSV

But you can still add you MySQL import database file with a better way, You can compress your SQL file into (ZIP) and import it. And it works.


Go to your phpMyAdmin and login if it needed to be logged in (Happens with WHMCS Panel, Not common with cPanel).

On the left Sidebar, Click on your Database Name. and wait until it loads.

there's no data in database

You got to be sure it's empty to make no conflict while importing a new file. Then Click Import.

how to import a new database

You should now head to File to Import section and click on choose file button, After selecting your (.SQL) or (.zip) file. Click on Go. and wait for importing database.

mysql import sql file

You can also get more information about databases here

How to MySQL import database file
How to MySQL import database file

What is the purpose of MySQL import a database?

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