Learn all about salesman tips and tricks, What bonding time and sales? what are the salesman tips you can improve, in this post you will learn the best salesman tips and how to reach your salesman target
Salesman tips and tricks to be the best Salesman ever!
It's the daily problem of targets and how to achieve it, But how can you easily be the best salesman? and how to improve your targets; In this post, we're going to give you salesman tips and tricks and let the best salesman achieve salesman target.

Time and Sales
First, of salesman tips and tricks, You need to understand the real meaning of time, clearly; you’re investing your time, time is your life, my life and we all depend on one thing:
“Making the most achievements in the shortest period of time.”
There are two main types of people:
- Successful SalesMan/SalesWoman. (that's what we're training you to be)
- Failure SalesMan/SalesWoman. (that's what we don't want you to be)
Before we keep going in the salesman tips and tricks we should ask, What makes a successful salesman? it's the matter of time, you should always keep in mind to smartly arrange your time, use it like in the most effective way, do more than one task a time, collect, arrange, call, negotiate while you’re keeping your focus and ready for what you’re doing.
We’re going to help you in the whole process, but you should keep in mind that doing it in the wrong way causes you problems, make you delay, fails in targets. You must divide and arrange your time as you have to, it must be divided and arranged according to the tasks related to timing, not as you wish...
For Example:
You can prepare an appropriate time for the process of organizing and arranging data, preparing notes and arranging your notes that you write for each customer, managing the time required to collect data on appointments where calls are not available or the customer is not able to receive calls such as "early morning" or "late in the lastest working hours"; both times, if you do not have an agreement already with the customer to call at this time, he will run away from you even if he needs the service you provide.

1. Don’t call in the morning
The first of the salesman tips and tricks, time and sales are depending on each other, In the morning, most people are not ready to talk, to listen to you, and even if they're not 100% ready to hear about your offers, services, and products; that’s why you need to give them more time to wake up, drink a morning coffee, and focus before calling.
2. Don’t call late in the lastest working hours
In the latest hours of working hours, people need to leave, they refuse instead of listening, don’t fall in this trap and call them while they are tired and want to go home!
Example of arranging the time
You can separate your working day to 3 main periods:
- Collecting/Getting info ready.
- Make Calls.
- Arrange, add notes, make reviews on your calls.
Let’s clarify each one for you, what you exactly have to do, and what you’re going to do in your working hours?
Salesman tips and tricks when not calling.
1. Collecting Data
Making data mining and creating lists, segments (we’re going to give more details about this later, so focus on the main chapter title: Time) and how to arrange them, Make this step in the early morning, people in this time won’t be able, or ready to receive calls, they’re not yet reached office because of traffic, or they’re not in a good mood to hear your offers before drinking coffee or having breakfast.
You can arrange your data, make digging and mining for your customer data (details in another chapter), segment your calls, to be ready for the calls time.
2. Make Calls
Now you have to make your calls, it’s the correct time, people are totally focused, ready to listen, and you too as well, so, don’t make much mess in the step.
You should detail your contacts, make your rows ready (using the system of brightery) and start the calling process, don’t ever lose time between calls, and remember every minute lost you could use it better.
Use your phone, get yourself a pen (we prefer not to use papers or hard copies at brightery for many reasons), or use your machine to add notes about every customer, make it easy like making shortcuts you can understand later on and detail later.
Call the customer, hang up, write notes, call a new number... And repeat this cycle; every time you’re doing this cycle you’re going to be faster, more accurate, and better in achieving your basic goals of reaching most of your customers in very typical time. That's one of the best salesman tips you should learn.

3. Don’t waste waiting time
Sometimes, people make you wait, in a call, for someone answers your call, don’t lose the seconds counting, use them wisely. Revise your notes, add notes, make something important, and give them like 50% focus while waiting. That's one of the best salesman tips you should learn.
4. Don’t waste your time
Wasting your time is one of the important salesman tips and tricks, you make wrong estimates, calculations, and calling the wrong person, or the wrong company, don’t waste your time with someone who doesn’t give much attention to you and just having fun or making fun of your calls or your personality; it’s time to hang out wisely and without pretending you’re annoyed; remember you’re the ambassador of our company and in this case, you are the company.
5. Make an average for the call
If you want efficient salesman tips and tricks, If you suppose to make 100 Calls/Day you should make an average for call, let’s say you’re going to make 100 calls a day if you’re going to be in a call for 30 mins (30 * 100=3000), you need 50 Hour to make your daily calls; 2.08 days to make your daily calls, but if you’re making 2.5 mins/call, you need 4 hours to make your daily calls.
Remember, some numbers won’t take your call, others will talk more than you expect, but you finally have an average.
6. Raise your targets
Raise your targets than your manager asked you, if you’re assigned to make 100 calls/day, you should make more than 125 calls/day to make sure you’re achieving your goals without problems.
create your best store management with brightery.
7. Speak wisely, not fast
Some agents think speaking fast is saving time, but clearly it’s not, you need your customer to clearly hear your name, your Brightery and remember this if you called again.
If they asked about what you said, again and again, you’re losing time already.
8. Arrange, add notes, make reviews on your calls.
Want to achieve your salesman target, my educated salesman? Now you’re done from making your daily calls? you're creating the best time and sales process, It’s good, you have to arrange your work for tomorrow, getting your content ready for the next day.
Tricks, Tips & Sales Techniques to increase your sales
Salesman Target
Now you learned the top important best salesman tips and you're ready to make your sales target or any other salesman target your company can arrange.
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