All what you need to know about the social media statistics, Social Media facts and more about SMO Marketing statistics in 2019, Learn more about social media usage statistics, and the uses of social media in 2019.
Social Media Statistics & Social Media facts about SMO Marketing in 2019
Social media statistics is important and social media facts are great, How we're going to give you some information about the SMO Marketing to get involved with the statistics. Now let's get to the best and most important Social Media Statistics & Social Media Facts and uses of social media in 2019.
You can learn more about Social Media Optimization ( SMO ) from the Wiki Article:
The Social Media Optimization ( SMO ) and why it's important
You can learn more about Social Media ROI from this post:
Social Media Statistics & Social Media facts
World Wide population V.S. Social media users
For the context in May 2019, total worldwide population is 7.7 billion was recorded. The internet users are now reached 4.4 billion users, From the 4.4 billion users you can find 3.499 billion active social media users.
Social Media accounts per user
According to Statista, Internet user have 7.6 social media accounts with average daily time spent on social is 142 minutes/day.
Business social media statistics
91% of retail companies uses 2 or more social media channels, 81% of all small businesses and medium businesses uses some kind of social platforms. Social media users grew by 202 million between April month of 2018 and April month of 2019.
Social media growth and user uses of social media
There's a new social media user every 6.4 seconds, Facebook Messenger and Whats app messenger handling 60 billion messages a day.
User numbers & Social media usage statistics
- 4Chan recorded 22 million user.
- Airbnb recorded 150 million users
- Facebook recorded 2,375 billion users
- Flickr recorded 90 million users
- Google+ recorded 111 million users (And it's dead now)
- Instagram recorded 1bn users
- LinkedIn recorded 610 million users
- MySpace recorded 15 million users
- Periscope recorded 10 million users
- Pinterest recorded 265 million users
- Reddit recorded 542 million users
- Snapchat recorded 190 million daily users
- Twitter recorded 330 million users
- Wechat recorded 1 billion users
- Weibo recorded 600 million users
- WhatsApp recorded 1.6 billion users
- YouTube recorded 1.9 billion users
Social media business statistics
In this part we're going to give you more information about social media usage statistics and more about social media usage statistics and the uses of social media lately in 2019.
You can read more statistics from:
Mind-Blowing advertising statistics 2019
Social Media Usage Statistics
Social Networks earned estimated 8.3 billion USD from advertising in 2015, And 74 Billions was spent in 2018. Most of businesses are engaging with their customers on facebook while 83% of them are engaging with them on Twitter.
Maybe you won't accept or believe this fact but your mother is interacting with content more than you and your friends because people aged 55 to 64 are twice engaged with content than 28 or younger.
Another fact or social media facts you won't believe that 96% of the people discussing brands online aren't following these brands. Rude? maybe.
People complaining to social media accounts and brands expecting a response in 78 hours.
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